
Eslam Fayez

Level 20

550 Rating

General Information

Full Name: Eslam Fayez
Gender: Male
Country: Egypt

Perdonal Information

Phone: 01004567987
Date Of Birth: 25/10/1982

Job Information

Title: Full Stack Developer
Programming Language: Paython
Years of Experience: 15+

Billing Information

Payment Method: Paypal
Subscription: Monthly

My Skills

Complete Skills List

  • HtmlPugjs HAML
  • CssSASS Stylus
  • JavascriptTypeScript
  • VuejsReactjs
  • JestJasmine
  • PhpLaravel
  • PythonDjango

Latest Activities

Latest Activities Done By The User

Store Bought The Mastering Python Course
18:10 Yesterday
Badge Unlocked The 10 Skills Badge
18:05 Yesterday
Store Bought The Mastering Python Course
18:10 Yesterday
Store Bought The Mastering Python Course
12:05 Yesterday